25 Kubernetes questions that will help you get certified and become more efficient with K8s

Mastering Kubernetes can be a complex task, but certain tips and tricks can expedite your journey, instilling you with confidence when it comes to maintaining Kubernetes clusters. This curated set of questions is designed to elevate your skills to the next level. If you're aiming for certification, going through this list is a must.


How do you convert a Kubernetes pod to a deployment?

Experience Level: Senior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Export the pod to a yaml definition using the following command:

kubectl get pod yourpod -o yaml > pod.yaml

Create a new deployment definition using the following command:

kubectl create deployment deploymentname --image=imagename --dry-run=client -o yaml > deployment.yaml

Display the pod yaml:

cat pod.yaml

Copy the spec part

Edit the deployment file:

nano deployment.yaml

Paste the pod .spec block to deployment template .spec, correct indentation, save the file.

Create the deployment using the file:

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

How do you create a service svc1 from a Kubernetes pod pod1? The service should use a tcp port redirection of 8080:80.

Experience Level: Senior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Run the following command:

kubectl expose pod pod1 --name=svc1 --port=8080 --target-port=80

How do you create a temporary pod and verify a http connectivity to a service svc1 that exposed a port 80?

Experience Level: Senior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Run the following command:

kubectl run tmp --image=busybox --rm -i -- /bin/sh -c "wget -m 5 svc1:80"

The -m 5 parameter defines maximum time allowed for the transfer. It is used as a 5 second timeout. If the response is not transferred by that time, wget stops.


What are the three kinds of object management supported in Kubernetes?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


  • Imperative commands
  • Imperative object configuration
  • Declarative object configuration

Very often you generate a manifest using an imperative command together with --dry-run=client parameter and then further tweak it using an editor. Once finished, you apply the changes.


Run the following to generate a pod manifest.

kubectl run mypod --image=nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml > file.yaml

Run the following to open the pod manifest in an editor:

nano file.yaml

Apply the changes by running the following command:

kubectl apply -f file.yaml

The above technique will also allow you to get back to the manifest if needed. You can always delete the resoruce (pod), modify the manifest and recreate it again using the modified version.


How can you display a list of Kubernetes pods that will automatically rerender when a pod status changes?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Run the following command:

kubectl get pod --watch

How do you list Kubernetes service accounts?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Run one of the following commands (they are all the same):

kubectl get sa
kubectl get serviceaccount
kubectl get serviceaccounts

What command can you use to get the address of the Kubernetes control plane and cluster services?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Run the following command:

kubectl cluster-info

How can you speed up your work flow when using kubectl?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Configure alias, so that you don't need to type kubectl.

Run the following command:

alias k=kubectl

Then you can type kubectl commands like this:

k get pod

How can you speed up switching between namespaces using kubectl?

Experience Level: Medior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Option 1:

Create alias and variable:

alias k=kubectl
    export n="config set-context --current --namespace"

Then switch namespace like this:

k $n=default

Option 2:

Create two aliases

alias k=kubectl
alias kn="kubectl config set-context --current --namespace"

Then switch namespace like this:

kn default

How do you find Kubernetes pods that consume the most CPU?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Run the following command:

kubectl top pod --sort-by="cpu" -o wide

You can also disable headers by using --no-headers parameter.
To display information about usage of containers, use --containers=true parameter.


What does kubectl cordon do?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Cordon marks the Kubernetes node unschedulable to prevent new pods from arriving. This is usually done as a preparation for node upgrade.

To cordon the node, run the following command:

kubectl cordon nodename

What does kubectl uncordon do?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Uncordon makes the node schedulable again after it has been cordoned before. This command is usually used after the node has been upgraded to higher version (for which it needed to be cordoned).

To uncordon the node, run the following command:

kubectl uncordon nodename

What does kubectl drain do?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Drain marks the node as unschedulable to prevent new pods from arriving. It also evicts the pods from the node.

Drain is executed to drain the node in preparation for maintenance.

To drain the node, run the following command:

kubectl drain nodename

What is a taint in Kubernetes?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


A taint is a node rule defining that pods shouldn't be scheduled on the node unless the pods have a matching rule (toleration) saying that they can be scheduled on the node and ignore the taint.

How can you identify what IP addresses have the nodes assigned in Kubernetes?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


To get IP addresses of all nodes, run the following command:

kubectl get nodes -o wide

How do you display current Kubernetes context using kubectl?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Option 1:

Run the following command:

kubectl config current-context

Option 2:

Run the following command:

kubectl config get-contexts|grep "*"

Using kubectl, how do you display list of names of available Kubernetes contexts that you can use from the machine?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Run the following command:

kubectl config get-contexts -o name

Without kubectl, how do you display list of names of available Kubernetes contexts that you can use from the machine?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Use the following command:

cat ~/.kube/config|yq eval -o json|jq ".contexts[].name"

How does it work?

  • The configuration data is stored the file ~/.kube/config
  • cat command displays the conent of the file
  • yq command converts the output from yaml to JSON format
  • jq command will iterate over all child elements of element (array) contexts, name property of each child element is displayed.

How can you display all objects that are present in the current Kubernetes namespace?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Run the following command:

kubectl get all

How can you display yaml details of all deployments, pods and services that are present in the current Kubernetes namespace?

Experience Level: Junior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Run the following command:

kubectl get deploy,po,svc -o yaml

You are looking for IP address details of your Kubernetes nodes, but you are not sure what is a structure of node manifests. How can you find this details and learn more about the structure?

Experience Level: Medior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Run the following command:

kubectl get node -o yaml|grep --ignore-case --context=10 ip

How it works?

  • Using kubectl, details of nodes are displayed in yaml format
  • Using grep command, rows are searched for string ip (case insensitive search), besides the row, block of 10 rows before and 10 rows after is displayed
  • This allows you to quickly find key blocks in manifests when you don't know exactly what you are looking for. Based on the output you can further refine the query.

Using kubectl, how do you convert yaml manifest of a specific pod pod1 to JSON format?

Experience Level: Medior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Run the following command:

kubectl get po pod1 -o json

How do you find all pods that run on a master node?

Experience Level: Medior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Run the following command to find a master node:

kubectl get node|grep master

Copy the node name and run the following command:

kubectl get pod -o wide|grep your-master-node-name

How can you run a pod on each node of Kubernetes and make sure that it is running only once on on each node?

Experience Level: Medior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Option 1:

Create a deamonset.

Option 2:

Create a deployment that has pods with antiaffinity that allows only one pod to run on a node. Make sure the count of replicas is the same or higher than the number of nodes.


How do you get a list of endpoints that are available for service service1?

Experience Level: Medior
Tags: Kubernetes
Question category: Kubernetes(58)NEW


Run the following command

kubectl get ep service1


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25 Kubernetes questions that will help you get certified and become more efficient with K8s

Mastering Kubernetes can be a complex task, but certain tips and tricks can expedite your journey, instilling you with confidence when it comes to maintaining Kubernetes clusters. This curated set of questions is designed to elevate your skills to the next level. If you're aiming for certification, going through this list is a must.

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